5 Lessons by Suzie Klein
And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Joel 2:32)
Joel, an obscure prophet from Judah, took advantage of a devastating locust plague to call God’s people to repent of their sin and turn to the LORD. He warned of even worse things to come if they continued in their sinful ways. But if they would humble their hearts and repent, God would restore to them the years the locusts had eaten, and they would surely know He was in their midst. As Joel delivered his warning, he also prophesied of a future day when God would pour out His Holy Spirit on all flesh. The days of the Spirit are the days in which we live and will culminate in the day of the Lord, a great and terrible day for all who have rejected Him but a day of salvation and blessing for all who have called upon His name.