Spring is here! I recently returned from a visit with my family in east Texas and you could tell spring was in the air because of all the people out biking, running, and walking. The cold rains (and sometimes snow) are past and the hot humidity of summer is in the seemingly distant future, so everyone is out enjoying the spring weather. Another reason you know its spring in Texas is the bluebonnets. They are in bloom everywhere, growing wild alongside the roadways. On Easter you see parents positioning their little ones, all dressed up in their Easter best, in among the bluebonnets for picture taking. Here in Hawaii we don’t notice the coming of spring so much because the weather is almost always warm here -- great weather for walking and enjoying the colorful, fragrant flowers that bloom wild and in every garden all year round. I love walking in Hawaii! The air is always tinged with the scent of flowers, and the views of ocean, mountains, clouds and rainbows are ever-changing and never grow old. This past week, as I have gone walking with my dog each morning, I have thought of my friend Betty Newman who shared some Scriptures on Facebook on the theme of “walking.” Of course, she was referring to walking in the Biblical sense. When New Testament writers spoke of “walking”, they did not have in mind moving forward on foot at a fairly regular pace. They used the word “walk” in a metaphorical way as referring to a certain way of life, conduct, or behavior. Many times the Greek verb tense used by the biblical writer refers to a continuing, ongoing way of conduct or behavior. In fact, the term “to walk” can be translated “to live”. I’m thankful to Betty for inspiring me to learn more about my Christian “walk”. Her thoughts led me see what more the New Testament had to say about “walking” and how we are to “walk” the Christian life. I found that Ephesians 5:15 admonishes us to “be careful how you walk” (NASB), and Paul’s and John’s letters are filled with counsel on how to “walk” the Christian life. This week, as I have walked (in the physical sense) in the hills above Honolulu each day, I have been pondering just how God would have me walk (in the spiritual sense). Below are the Scripture passages I found on walking as a Christian. I have decided to take one verse a day to reflect upon, search the implications, and apply to my life. My prayer is that by the time I finish the list my daily walk will be more pleasing to the Lord and more in step with the life He exampled for us. I hope you will find a use for this list also. May God use it to bless you richly……Suzie walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4) walk properly, as in the day (Romans 13:13) walk by faith, not sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16) walk worthy of the calling with which you were called (Ephesians 4:1) walk in love (Ephesians 5:2) walk as children of light (Ephesians 5:8) walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise (Ephesians 5:15) walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10) walk in Him [Jesus Christ] (Colossians 2:6) walk in wisdom (Colossians 4:5) walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory (1 Thessalonians 2:12) walk properly (1 Thessalonians 4:12) walk in the light as He is in the light (I John 1:7) walk just as He [Jesus Christ] walked (1 John 2:6) walk according to His commandments (2 John 1:6) walk in the truth (3 John 1:3,4)
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I have been involved in Disciplers since 1987, as a discussion leader, teacher, writer, and now as director. I am profoundly committed to the stewardship of this ministry which God has entrusted to me for a time. God’s word is the chief joy of my life. I cherish my personal time in the word, and I am filled with gratitude to be able to share His word with you, my fellow disciples in Christ. Categories |