![]() I am happy to let you know that the study of the Gospel of Luke by Pearl Hamilton is now available for download on the Disciplers Bible Studies website. What a blessing it was to re-read Pearl’s notes as we edited and formatted and become immersed in the amazing life of our Lord Jesus Christ, God incarnate, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men (Philippians 2:7). Along the way, I was humbled and filled with gratitude at His willingness to lay aside His riches in heaven to become a human being, to live a perfect life among us and give His life for us. I think, more than any of the other gospels, Luke portrays the humanity of Jesus. In fact, as I read and considered Jesus’ impact upon all of life and history, it became clear to me that He is much more than the Son of God, Savior of the world. He is the supreme human being! In the thirty-three years He was on this earth, Jesus gave us the perfect example of how to be a human being. He was a compassionate servant to others, He forgave, healed, comforted, taught, defended the oppressed, silenced His detractors with incomparable words of wisdom, lived in perfect obedience to His Father, and became our example of righteousness. In the end, He laid down His life so we could follow his steps (1 Peter 1:22) and become the kind of human beings God intended us to be. It is through Jesus’ life that God’s word teaches us how to be truly human. For becoming a human being goes beyond principles, ideas, programs, and even beyond truth -- what good are any of these things if we do not live as human beings, following in the steps of Jesus? Are you an excellent student, or defender of your faith, a good witness, a moral person? Are you a generous person -- with your money, your time, your expertise, or your knowledge? Although these can all be good things, none of them are what Jesus calls us to be. By His life, He calls us first of all to be human beings -- genuine human people who live His example of humanity before others in the face of a world that all too often degrades humanity and the dignity of true human existence. God became man in Jesus Christ. He did not become a principle, a program, a law, or an attitude. He became a human being. The life of Jesus Christ on earth shows us how to be fully human, and that is what our world needs. It needs Jesus Christ lived in each heart, each soul, and each life every day. No matter who you are or where you live, the need is the same -- for real human beings who emulate Christ in their thoughts, their emotions, their actions, and their interactions. Who do you know who needs you to be human today? How will you be Jesus to that person and to the world around you? When we judge others, promote ourselves, or our opinions, isolate ourselves from those outside our circle, or selfishly pursue our own interests, we are not being human for we are not following Jesus’ example. Perhaps the real challenge is to turn away from following the examples of those who are lesser than Christ, to look beyond the horizons of our limited sight and fix the eyes of our hearts on Jesus. And follow Him. Will you come with me? ~Suzie
10/19/2014 11:17:00 am
Really looking forward to doing this study. We've done several shorter ones, but I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into a deep, and longer study. Luke truly takes from the Advent to the Ascension!
10/29/2014 05:36:35 pm
Yes, Betty, Luke is a wonderful study and I know you will glean much from it. Dr. Luke was such a detailed and compassionate writer -- I think he is my favorite of the gospels. You may want to consider doing Acts also :)
10/29/2014 08:44:08 pm
The very first study we did was the book of Acts. Great study! When Janet and I were discussing what to do first I said "Oh! Let's do Acts. Almost everything else we'll study in the New Testament will require that we know how the Church began. In fact, I just referenced this study again this week as we began our study of Philippians. In order to know why Paul loved the Philippian church so, you have to know what happened that first day "down by the river" and what led up to it. Great study!
11/1/2014 03:57:35 pm
God bless you, Betty! You are such an encouragement and inspiration to me! I love that you have such a heart for God's true word!
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I have been involved in Disciplers since 1987, as a discussion leader, teacher, writer, and now as director. I am profoundly committed to the stewardship of this ministry which God has entrusted to me for a time. God’s word is the chief joy of my life. I cherish my personal time in the word, and I am filled with gratitude to be able to share His word with you, my fellow disciples in Christ. Categories |